Selasa, 23 April 2024
Perguruan Tinggi



The community service team (PkM) of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (FTIK) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) ASEAN’s best private university conducted a community service program for the target schools at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung, Friday, September 8, 2022.

Where the activity is to carry out video editing training. Video Editing training was given to school teachers at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung. The purpose of this training is to support the online and offline teaching and learning process. This program has the idea of being a learning infrastructure for students in SMK, where the teacher as an information center that should provide knowledge to students is limited when using social media or in the form of email when distance learning occurs. For this reason, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Lecturer team provides solutions to learning by holding video editing training.

On this occasion, the FTIK Lecturer at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia team from PKM was Adhie Thyo Priandika, M.Kom., Permata, M.Si, Ade Dwi Putra, M.Kom., Rakmad Dedi Gunawan, M.Kom, Temi Ardiansah, M. Kom., Ade Surahman, M. Kom, Suaidah, M. Kom., Fenti Ariani, M. Kom. In addition to FTIK lecturers at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, this team is also active students who excel, namely Mico Fahrizal, and Anggun Maylani.

This activity was opened immediately and was warmly and welcomingly welcomed by the principal, staff and teachers of SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung H. Maryamah, S.E. Principal of SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung HJ. Maryamah, S.E. giving an extraordinary welcome to this activity, the Principal hopes that this activity will continue so that the synergy between the winning Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia lecturers can collaborate on an ongoing basis in other activities to improve the ability of teachers or students in this vocational school, he added in his speech.

The Head of the PkM Team assisted by the School Adhie Thyo P., M.Kom., said that this video editing training will further support online and offline learning, because learning can be recorded, edited and played over and over again so that it can be understood or understood. by students of SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung. In addition, teachers at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung appreciated this PkM activity, “it is very helpful in making videos and editing”, said one of the teachers who participated in the video editing training.

On this occasion, the PkM Team of the Assisted Schools also thanked the Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE, MBA. and the Institute for Research and Community Service at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for providing extraordinary support so that this training activity can be realized and carried out properly.

Vice Rector of v Dr. HM. Mahathir Muhammad, SE., MM. appreciation for the PkM team of FTIK UTI lecturers and students, hopefully this training can help teachers in making videos as a medium for school learning at SMK Palapa Bandar Lampung and this PkM can be continued with other training to support the development of the world of education, Mahathir added.