Sabtu, 04 Mei 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

Entrepreneur of the Month

Entrepreneur of the Month

My name is Sean Colin Chung, from Grade 12

I plan to start a business in robotics after finishing my Mechanical Engineering degree, so I thought I should get some experience in high school. The idea for Touchless came randomly into my head around the time I was deciding what to sell. I did my research and decided that similar products on the market could be significantly improved upon and began development. The struggle mainly came from finding the time to work while managing DP and extracurriculars. This project wasn’t any more of a struggle than my Personal Project or Extended Essay, and I believe that anyone can confidently start their own business.

Currently, the manufacturers are producing the final prototype which I will present to the school. If they approve, I will begin production and close the deal. There have been significant delays such as the holidays and switching manufacturers, and I believe I could have been more efficient on time, but I’m glad to make these mistakes now in high school so I can prevent them later in adulthood.

However, COVID will eventually come to pass and the business is not sustainable. Ideally, the revenue would be reinvested in a new startup, but as university is coming up I plan to discuss with the PHE faculty on using the funds to try out new sports like fencing

Sean Colin Chung, High School Student