Rabu, 15 Mei 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, students, teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community

Ramadan Kareem.  Eid Mubarak. We wish everyone in our community peace and joy for the holy month of Ramadan and also for the celebration of the Eid holiday. We hope you have the opportunity of spending precious time with friends and family.

Despite the break we are also in the heart of examinations and final semester summative assessments. The grade nines have been completing their examinations, the grade six students are completing their MAP assessments and the grade twelve students begin their examination leave on Wednesday. We wish all of them the very best of luck.

Entrepreneurship is alive and well in the school. The elementary entrepreneurship competition is at the finalists’ stage with twenty companies being judged by a panel of experts. The grade 11 big sell has also been a highlight this week.

It was lovely to see the PYPA students leave for their trip to the zoo on Thursday. It is amazing how quickly these students develop by exploring the world around them. And on the theme of development and growth this week, although short will see the grade 6 students begin their transition into HS. This is a significant milestone.

A warm welcome to parents to our plastics workshop on Tuesday. This is an opportunity to help the whole community commit to reducing our environmental footprint.

Congratulations to our Grade 6 students who are completing their preparations for the transition to grade 7. They are in the high school for the next two days experiencing what the future will bring for them and familiarising themselves with the structures in their new school.

We look forward to our return after the Eid break with ongoing final summative tasks, the cross country, school camps and of course various completion ceremonies and the grade twelve graduation. We will certainly be fitting a lot of activity into a short period of time. 

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal