Minggu, 05 Mei 2024
Perguruan Tinggi

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia conducts PKM Opinion writing at SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia conducts PKM Opinion writing at SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung

The Community Service Team (PKM) of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has successfully held Opinion Writing Training for teachers at SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung. The activities carried out in the PKM scheme of the Assisted Schools were initiated by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, as a form of implementing the tridharma of higher education in addition to research and teaching.

The training was attended by 27 teachers of SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung. The training was filled with the provision of material about the design of opinion writing and the importance of having writing skills in the digital era, which was guided directly by a team of Indonesian Language lecturers at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, namely: M. Ghufroni An’ars, S.Pd., M.Pd.. and a team of UTI students who helped carry out the training. Even though it was conducted online, the training activities ran smoothly and the teachers were very enthusiastic about trying to express ideas in the form of opinion writing. The activity was also attended by Naswil teachers at SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung, namely Mrs. Nur Janah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

In her speech, Dina Maryana conveyed the importance of additional skills that support teachers to be ready to manage and fulfill one of the points of promotion for teachers and can also increase knowledge so that they can exist more in writing opinions in the mass media and can motivate students to participate in making opinions. . Additional trainings as well as collaboration with universities can also enrich the repertoire of teacher skills and can build relationships between institutions in the future.

Nirwana Hendrastuty as the head of the PKM Team expressed his gratitude for the welcome from SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung to the training activities proposed by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. He also hopes that this training can not only be useful as additional skills, but also be useful in preparing themselves to take care of the requirements for promotion for teachers. On the same occasion, Nirwana introduced the teachers regarding the profile and achievements of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia as a motivation for introducing the campus world.

The teachers of SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung enthusiastically participated in the training activities held by the PKM Team of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. The material for writing opinions has actually been studied by the teachers. However, in practice opinion writing skills are still only a small part that has not been studied in depth. Even though the need to write should be owned by every young generation in the digital era like now. It is undeniable, social media is the closest post that young people visit every day, to simply absorb information or produce information. For this reason, it is necessary to have opinion skills so that the truth and quality of the information they produce can be maintained, and so that the information they absorb is not immediately accepted without considering the truth.

Besides being assisted by students from the PKM Team of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the implementation of this Community Service was also carried out thanks to the help of the entire teacher council in SMKN 2 Metro. The support provided is in the form of providing time, permitting activities, as well as participating in guiding students so that they can take part in the training process in a good and fun way. After the training, teachers are allowed to have discussions with the PKM advisory team so that their writings can be published in the mass media. The activity closed with the granting of modules and training materials for writing opinions from Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia to the teachers of SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung. Vice Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, SE, MM, said that he really supports PKM activities at SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung, hopefully all of them are useful and add insight in preparation for the world in the global era.