Sabtu, 04 Mei 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, students, teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community,

This week marks the last week of school for our wonderful grade twelve students. Fresh off their camp in Bali they will be in school for various rehearsals, their final assembly and of course on Friday their graduation.  Having had the privilege of teaching 36 students in this cohort I can say very personally that they are a wonderful all round group of students. This is a huge milestone as a number of these students have only ever experienced Sekolah Ciputra and have been here for sixteen years. For others it has been a shorter time but all of them have a legacy of good times and bad, triumphs and tragedies that help weave the fabric of our Sekolah Ciputra culture. They leave a very positive legacy.

Congratulations to OSIS 2022-2023 whose term ended with a very successful Prom. Thank you to all the members of the team who have worked so hard to give students a voice and to build a better school

The summative for the grade 7 batik interdisciplinary unit was a wonderful event. It was so good to see students combining learning from inside and outside the classroom and across subject lines to create some fabulous batiks, all of which had a compelling backstory. Well done to everyone involved.

This Wednesday the school will hold a flag ceremony to celebrate Pancasila Day. This is a filling way to demonstrate the school value of pride in cultural heritage.

Finally, please note that staff have had very clear instructions to maintain meaningful and challenging teaching and learning standards till the final bell of the school year. We want to ensure that every minute in school is productive and helps grow the knowledge and character of our students. 

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal