Sabtu, 04 Mei 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

Primeschoolers’ Amazing Winning

Primeschoolers’ Amazing Winning

PrimeOne School (POS) always motivates its students to take part in various English contests to sharpen their writing and speaking proficiency. Therefore POS sent a few Junior High students to attend an English Olympiad at Unimed on Sunday, 13 November 2022.

The competition, attended by 864 students from North Sumatra. PrimeOne School Junior High students brought some medals home. They are:

  1. Joshafat Keith Simorangkir : Gold
  2. Amanda Gracie Onggo : Gold
  3. Melisanda Br Sembiring : Silver
  4. Olivia Abigail Simamora : Silver
  5. Vanderrich Orlando Cendana : Bronze
  6. Najwa Syafira : Bronze

Congratulations to the winners! You are awesome!