Rabu, 08 Mei 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Good luck to the students who begin their examinations and final summative tasks this week. These will give very good feedback on progress and give students an opportunity for reflection on the result, reports and the parent interview time. This is a great opportunity to self-assess our own strengths and weaknesses and get the support we need to make progress.

This week also sees several local and overseas universities in the school.  This year we have already had over 200 universities outlining their programmes to our senior students. There are many choices out there and our counsellors are always available to give their advice.

On Friday, the PSG have organised a workshop, “Keeping up with the teens,” which is designed to give practical advice and guidance to parents to help navigate issues that can arise with teenage students. We thank the PSG for their ongoing support.

Last Friday afternoon, before our football matches with SES, it was very gratifying to observe large numbers of students doing an eco-audit of the school. This is a student organised initiative to help our school achieve the International Green School Certification and also to help reduce our environmental footprint. 

Lastly, the High School will be face-to-face fully from the 5th December 2022. The online option will be removed and will only be available if individual numbers in specific classes rise above 5%. In these cases, the school contacts the impacted class and lets them know that the option is available.


Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal