Jumat, 03 Mei 2024
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Improving Lecturers’ Writing Quality, UNIDA Gontor Invites IJIMS Journal School UIN Salatiga

Improving Lecturers’ Writing Quality, UNIDA Gontor Invites IJIMS Journal School UIN Salatiga

UNIDA Gontor – University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Journal House, under the auspices of the Scientific Publishing and Publication Institute (LPPI), held a seminar attended by UNIDA Gontor lecturers. Themed ‘Academic Writing on International Journal Management’, the agenda is located in 2 places. Namely the Senate Meeting Room and UNIDA Gontor Multimedia Hall. The event is from Monday to Tuesday. The speaker for this event invited a team from the Salatiga State Islamic University (UIN), Central Java. This event was held for two days on Monday and Tuesday (21-22/11/2022).

The Head of LPPI UNIDA Gontor Al Ustadz Dr. Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh, M.A, and the Head of Journal House, Al Ustadz Muhammad Taqiyuddin, M.Ag., also attended the event. In his speech, Ustadz Sujiat conveyed the high hopes and benefits that could be obtained from the event. In the future, Ustadz Sujiat hopes that the knowledge shared by the IAIN Salatiga team can be absorbed as much as possible so that it can increase the quality and awareness of the participants who take part in writing scientific papers.

Based on Rizky’s presentation, one of the UNIDA Gontor Journal House staff, this event will be held in 2 sessions. Namely article writing and journal management. Rizky explained that this agenda was intended to increase lecturers’ interest and quality in writing articles and management of journal publications.

Another reason stated by the staff of the journal house regarding the holding of this event is to socialize the standardization of article writing for lecturers with standards set by the relevant authorities.

“Writing journals or articles are paid to open the system. Suppose the system authorities see a low or blank writing intensity. In that case, the system that was paid for earlier could be closed. If you want to open it again, you have to pay again.” explained Rizky to the UNIDA Gontor reporter team.

This shows that journal management is something that cannot be underestimated.

Author: Adrian Rizky Pratama

Editor: Rifki Aulia