Story Bimbingan Belajar

Bimbingan Belajar

News From the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, students, teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community, Congratulations to all those who competed in the OSIS chess tournament this week. Congratulations also to all the elementary students who took…

Bimbingan Belajar

Tips Mempersiapkan Diri untuk Ujian

Halo semuanya ????Mimin bagi tips nih buat kamu yang bingung memulai persiapan ujian Berikut beberapa tips persiapan ujian yang bisa …

Bimbingan Belajar

Kegiatan Belajar di Luar Kelas SMP Kelas 7

Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan serta tuntutan kualitas pendidikan saat ini, maka perlu pengembangan sistem Belajar di Luar Kelas bagi para siswa. Belajar di Luar […]

Bimbingan Belajar


“I’d definitely recommend Sekolah Ciputra. Sekolah Ciputra has learning techniques like those found abroad and the teachers are so supportive.” ANNA BUDIMAN GRADUATED: 2001 1. How long were you in…

Bimbingan Belajar

Cross Country – Sekolah Ciputra

“Cross country” or “cross-country running” is a long-distance running race typically held outdoors, traversing various terrains such as dirt, grass, forests, hills, and sometimes small rivers or puddles. Participants in…

Bimbingan Belajar

Sensory Play: Enriching Children’s Learning Experiences

Sensory play is a form of activity designed to stimulate children’s senses, such as touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Through the use of various materials and different environments, sensory…

Bimbingan Belajar

World Scholar’s Cup – Sekolah Ciputra

The World Scholar’s Cup is an international academic tournament designed to encourage students from various countries to explore various topics through different activities such as debates, essay writing, and knowledge…

Bimbingan Belajar

DIBUKA!! Kelas Persiapan PAS bulan Mei-Juni 2024

Dibuka!! Pendaftaran Siswa Baru Kelas Persiapan PAS!! Promo Biaya Pendaftaran Discon 50% untuk Semua Jenjang!! Pembayaran les di Lite Course …