Sabtu, 27 April 2024
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Mahasiswa Seni Rupa Murni Selenggarakan Fine Art Festival

Mahasiswa Seni Rupa Murni  Selenggarakan Fine Art Festival

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Karnaval Fine Art Festival
Karnaval Fine Art Festival

Program Studi (PS) Seni Rupa Murni, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) kembali selenggarakan festival seni yang merupakan acara tahunan setelah sempat tertunda selama dua tahun akibat pandemi COVID-19. Acara yang bertajuk “Fine Art Festival” tersebut diselenggarakan selama delapan hari sejak Sabtu (05/11/2022) hingga Sabtu (12/11/2022).

Karya yang ditampilkan adalah gabungan dari karya mahasiswa dan dosen PS Seni Rupa Murni, juga seniman luar FIB . Karya yang ditampilkan seluruhnya telah melewati proses review dan evaluasi oleh ahli sebelum diputuskan untuk dipamerkan.

“Ini kebetulan (program kerja) satu prodi, dari dosen juga,” tutur AN salah satu panitia.

Suasana Pameran Fine Art Festival
Suasana Pameran Fine Art Festival

Seluruh mahasiswa PS Seni Rupa Murni FIB UB tanpa memandang semester awal atau akhir, mendapat kesempatan yang sama untuk tampil asalkan karyanya diterima oleh reviewer. Karya yang ditampilkan totalnya bisa mencapai lebih dari belasan. Acara pameran diadakan di Lobi, Galeri Seni, dan juga di sisi luar (area Teras Budaya) Gedung A FIB UB.

Persiapan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilangsungkan sejak dua bulan lalu, yakni awal semester pada kisaran bulan September. Baik mahasiswa dan dosen mengurus festival ini bersama-sama.

Pada Senin (7/11/2022), setelah tiga hari acara berlangsung, sudah ada lebih dari 160 pengunjung yang mendatangi pameran. Pameran dibuka dari jam 9 pagi sampai dengan jam 9 malam. Selain itu, diadakan juga workshop clay, lukis, dan grafis yang diadakan di area Teras Budaya FIB UB dan terbuka untuk umum. Pameran bersifat gratis dan dibuka untuk umum.

Beberapa Karya yang Dipamerkan di Fine Art Festival
Beberapa Karya yang Dipamerkan di Fine Art Festival

Adapun tema yang diusung tahun ini adalah ‘Rekonstruksi Adaptasi.’

“Seharusnya ini event tahunan, namun karena COVID-19 dua tahun, jadi tema kali ini adalah adaptasi,” papar AN.

Abenzy, salah satu panitia penyelenggara pameran menambahkan kegiatan ini merupakan kali ketiga acara Fine Art Festival diadakan, acara ini merupakan salah satu program kerja tahunan dari Himaprodi Seni Rupa Murni dan kebetulan tahun ini bebarengan dengan penyelenggaraan Dies Natalies FIB UB ke-13.

Suasana Pameran Fine Art Festival
Suasana Pameran Fine Art Festival

Jenis seni yang dipamerkan bebas dan bermacam-macam, mulai dari lukisan akrilik, video artistik, hingga karya seni 3D.

“Kami berusaha untuk memberikan acara terbaik terutama bagi para pengunjung dari kalangan mahasiswa FIB UB dan tamu-tamu undangan”, ungkap Abenzy.

Saat pembukaan acara juga ada kunjungan dari rombongan Rektorat UB dan karnaval. Panitia juga menyiapkan kostum dan berkeliling menyebarkan poster untuk mengundang calon pengunjung. Sedangkan pada hari terakhir, Fine Art Festival ditutup dengan konser, bazaar, workshop, dan juga karnaval. Acara penutup dilangsungkan dari pukul 8 pagi hingga pukul 12 malam. [dts/Humas UB]


Karnaval Fine Art Festival
Karnaval Fine Art Festival
Fine Art Festival Carnival
Fine Art Festival Carnival

Study Programme of Fine Arts (SPFA), Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an annual event art festival event after being delayed for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event entitled “Fine Art Festival” was held for eight days from Saturday (11/5/2022) to Saturday (11/12/2022).

The works displayed were a combination of the students and lecturers of the SPFA’s works, as well as artists from outside FCS UB. All of the works displayed have gone through a review and evaluation process by curators before being decided to be exhibited.

“This is a coincidence (work programme) from one study programme, by the lecturers as well,” said AN, one of the committee members.

Fine Art Festival Exhibition Ambiance
Fine Art Festival Exhibition Ambiance

All students of PS Fine Arts FCS UB, regardless of the first or last semester, have the same opportunity to exhibit as long as their work is accepted by the curators. The total number of works displayed reached more than a dozen. The exhibition events were held in the Lobby, Art Gallery, and also on the outside (Cultural Terrace area) of Building A FCS UB.

The preparations have been carried out since two months ago at the beginning of the semester in September. Both students and lecturers managed this festival together.

On Monday (11/7/2022), after three days of the event, there were already more than 160 visitors who came to the exhibition. The exhibition was open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In addition, clay, painting, and graphic workshops were also held in the Cultural Terrace of FCS UB and were opened to the public. The exhibition was also free and open to the public.

Some of the Works Displayed at the Fine Art Festival
Some of the Works Displayed at the Fine Art Festival

The theme of this exhibition was ‘Adaptation Reconstruction.’

“This should be an annual event, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic for two years, we decided that the theme this time was an adaptation,” said AN.

Abenzy, one of the other committees added, “This is the third time the Fine Art Festival has been held, this event is one of the annual work programmes of the SPFA Student Association and coincidentally this year coincides with the 13th Anniversary of FCS UB”.

Fine Art Festival Exhibition Ambiance
Fine Art Festival Exhibition Ambiance

Various types of art were exhibited, ranging from acrylic paintings, and artistic videos, to 3D artworks. Sometimes, some artists also come to explain their works.

“We try to provide the best event, especially for visitors from the FCS UB students and guests,” said Abenzy.

During the opening, there was a visit from the UB Rectorate group and a carnival. The committee also prepared costumes and went around spreading posters to invite potential visitors. Meanwhile, on the last day, the Fine Art Festival was closed with concerts, bazaars, workshops, and also a carnival. The closing ceremony took place from 8 am to 12 pm. [dts]


Fine Art Festival Carnival
Fine Art Festival Carnival