Senin, 06 Mei 2024
Bimbingan Belajar



Claire Godwin Rion (10D)

Placement : RS Orthopedi dan Traumatologi 

I realized that administration in a hospital is way more complicated than what I usually see as a patient. A worker shared her point of view of how she works and its difficulties which also made me realize that I can overcome every task just by starting and focusing to solve it.

Through the work experience week, I gained new knowledge on how to wash hands before operation. I am planning to keep practicing in the future, especially related to the university / career field I dream of. I also gained a new mindset, that if I keep on trying and working smart , I will be able to overcome any task. 

Calvin Kenneth Wibowo (10B)

Placement : PT. Bangun Citra Irawan 

Through WEW, I learned many things about machinery and techniques of cutting PVC, CNC and other types of materials. Before going to work, I felt pressured and thought working would be boring, but it turned out to be fun. Especially because of the two executives that supervised me. They were relatable and relaxed. 

I learned that it’s important to create a friendly working environment. In a good environment, I was more productive and the other staff members were too. This can be applied in the future by encouraging the staff to voice their opinions and also to give freedom to the staff members that are very talented and dedicated, like how my supervisor treats his employees. 

Nicholas Kent (10B)

Placement : Bukit Darmo golf Clubhouse

Through the Work Experience Week, I learned that company and workplaces are not as simple as I thought, and actually comprises multiple departments working in unison. Workplaces are not always too serious either, as co-workers can still interact with each other in a friendly manner. 

I learned about how marketing and purchasing departments work and support the other departments, which I can use in the future if I become a leader or a manager who needs to organize and manage departments. I also learn how to be confident in talking and asking people I don’t know, which will continue to be a beneficial skill throughout my daily life.