Minggu, 28 April 2024
Perguruan Tinggi

General Provisions and Stages of Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) 2023

General Provisions and Stages of Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) 2023

Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) as one of the State Universities located in South Kalimantan Province is again conducting New Student Admissions (PMB) for the 2023/2024 odd semester academic year.

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2022 concerning Admission of New Students for Diploma Programs and Undergraduate Programs at State Universities, there are 3 (three) pathways to enter higher education, namely the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) ; the National Selection Based on the Test (SNBT); and the Independent Selection pathway.

Implementation of SNBP at Lambung Mangkurat University

Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) aims to provide opportunities for SMA/SMK/MA students at home and abroad (School of the Republic of Indonesia (SRI) who have superior achievements to pursue higher education at Academic State Universities (PTN), Vocational PTN, including the Open University and the State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN).SNBP also aims for the PTNs mentioned above to have the opportunity to get prospective new students who have high academic achievements.

Data for the purposes of SNBP line selection is managed and processed by the National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) for 2023. SNBP participants are free of charge.

Complete information regarding the mechanism for entering State Universities can be seen via https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/

SNBP General Provisions:

1) SNBP is carried out based on the results of tracking academic achievement using report cards and students’ academic and non-academic portfolios. The report cards used are semester one to semester five for SMA/SMK/MA with a three-year study period or semesters one to seven for SMK with a four-year study period. The academic and non-academic portfolios of students who are assessed are the three best achievements.

2) Schools that enroll their students in the SNBP must have a National School Identification Number (NPSN) and fill in the eligible student achievement data in the School and Student Data Base (PDSS) completely and correctly.

3) Students who are entitled to take part in the selection are students who have a National Student Identification Number (NISN), have excellent achievements, and have a track record of academic achievement in PDSS.

4) Students who will register for SNBP are expected to read information on the websites of Academic State Universities (PTN), Vocational PTN including the Open University or selected PTKIN regarding the conditions for admitting new students.

5) Students who have passed the 2023 SNBP are not allowed to take the 2023 Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK), including students who have passed SNMPTN in 2021 and 2022.

10 Types of 2023 SNBP Non-Academic Portfolios:

  1. a) Sports
  2. b) Fine Arts, Design, and Craft
  3. c) Dance (including Ballet/Performing Art of the Dance option)

d)Theatre (including Performance Arts/Theater/Drama options)

  1. e) Music (including Musical Performances/Performing Arts options
  2. f) Karawitan art
  3. g) Ethnomusicology
  4. h) Photography

i)Film and Television

  1. j) The Art of Puppetry


Tahapan Pendaftaran SNBP:

Schedule for SNPMB:

Pembuatan Akun SNPMB-BPPP 16 Januari 2023 – 15 Februari 2023
Penetapan Siswa Eligible oleh Sekolah 03 Januari 2023 – 08 Februari 2023
Pengisian PDSS 09 Januari 2023 – 09 Februari 2023
Pendaftaran SNBP 14 – 28 Februari 2023
Pengumuman Hasil SNBP 28 Maret 2023



  • Student applicants from economically disadvantaged families can apply for tuition assistance for the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIP College) scheme.
  • Prospective participants who apply for tuition assistance for the KIP Lecture scheme must first study the KIP Lecture registration procedure.
  • Detailed information about KIP Lectures can be seen at the Education Financing Service Center via the https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id page

Full terms and conditions can be seen on the official SNBP website: https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id

A PDF of the SNBP Brochure can be downloaded here