Story Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Perguruan Tinggi

Grand Opening IWOSAR, Prof. Hamid: The Relationship Between UNIDA Gontor ...

The Grand Opening marked the beginning of the International Workshop on Science and Religion (IWOSAR) series at University of Darussalam Gontor on September 7, 2023. The Grand Opening of this International Workshop took place from 9 in the morning until 12 noon in the main hall on the fourth floor of UNIDA Gontor. The event […]

Perguruan Tinggi

Lecturer of UNIDA Gontor Presents Innovative Insights on Sustainable Development ...

Saudi Arabia – Eko Nur Cahyo, the lecturer of Islamic Economics and Law Department, Faculty of Syari’a, University of Darussalam Gontor and PhD researcher in the Centre of Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, Coventry University, the United Kingdom, has participated in the 10TH International Islamic Economic Conference System (I-iECONS2023) which has been organised by the […]

Perguruan Tinggi

The University of Darussalam Gontor Proudly Present

[5D THINKING TRAINING 2023] This is an intensive training program aiming to teach teachers the why, what, and how of the 5D thinking model. Each session has an activity for the participants to reflect on and share their experiences to provide a rich learning environment. Teachers are expected to learn how to implement the 5D […]

Perguruan Tinggi

الندوة العالمية عن آثار القرآن الكريم في نشأة علم البلاغة ...

منتيجان، (15/7/2023) عقد قسم تعليم اللغة العربية وقسم علوم القرآن والتفسير الندوة العالمية مع المتحدثين الأفاضل وهم الأستاذ الدكتور محمد محمد إمام داود والدكتور نور الدين السيد معروف عبد الرحمن شافعي والدكتور عبد العال السيد أحمد بدوي الكفراوي. ولقد حضر في هذه الندوة العالمية السادة المدرسون والمدرسات وجميع الطالبات بحرم البنات وطالبات قسم تعليم اللغة […]

Perguruan Tinggi

Jumuah Khutbah: Unity is the Key to Strong Ummah

Jumuah khutbah at Durham University: Unity is the Key to a Strong Ummah. Prepared by: Muchammad Taufiq Affandi, S.H.I., M.Sc
(Lecturer, University of Darussalam Gontor / PhD Student, Durham University)

Perguruan Tinggi

منبر الجمعة طلبة جامعة دارالسلام كونتور لحرم البنات

مانتيجان – ١٩/٠٥/٢٠٢٣ عقدت طلبة جامعة دار السلام كونتور لحرم البنات محاضرة عامة مع نائب وكيل رئيس جامعة دار السلام كونتور منهم الأستاذ د. نور هادى إحسان، الأستاذ آسف ترسناني، والأستاذ جيجيب صبر رحمة. يسمى هذه المحاضرة بـ”منبر الجمعة”، مشتاق من “منبر رئيس جامعة دار السلام كونتور. وهذه المحاضرة بديلة من ليلة المناقشة (Friday Night […]

Perguruan Tinggi

Coventry University and UNIDA Gontor Forge Strong International Partnership

Coventry, UK – In a significant development for international cooperation in higher education, Coventry University has established a fruitful collaboration with the University of Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA Gontor). The partnership aims to foster academic and cultural exchanges, particularly in the fields of economics of Islamic Affairs, business, international relations, and academic writing. During a recent […]

Perguruan Tinggi

UNIDA Gontor Implements Accreditation of Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi ...

UNIDA Gontor– Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor carried out the Accreditation Visitation Assessment which was held hybrid, offline and online with the UNIDA Gontor campus team and the Higher Education Accreditation Team. Rector of UNIDA Gontor Prof. Dr. KH. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.Ed., M.Phil., along with the Vice Rector and all the lecturers participated in a […]