Senin, 06 Mei 2024
Perguruan Tinggi

30th Anniversary, Undiksha Moves to Become a Leading University for Resilient Indonesia

30th Anniversary, Undiksha Moves to Become a Leading University for Resilient Indonesia

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) commemorated its 30th anniversary. The opening ceremony took place on Monday (16/1/2023), and the peak will occur on Wednesday (25/1/2023). This annual commemoration is used as a momentum to encourage harmony to realize Undiksha Excellence for Resilient Indonesia.

The anniversary opening began with a flag ceremony attended by the academic community. On this occasion, awards were also given to lecturers for their success in completing Postgraduate level education. In addition, there were awards for retired lecturers. The award was given for their service and dedication at Undiksha.

Undiksha Rector, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd said that during its 30-year journey since Undiksha was named STKIP Singaraja in 1993, Undiksha had experienced significant progress, many fundamental changes have occurred at this University. Starting from academic achievements to a comfortable and harmonious environment. This progress is considered a result of hard work with the academic community.

Specifically, Rector Jampel conveyed Undiksha’s achievements in 2022 as follows:

  1. Dikti-Ristek Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, namely: Gold Winner of the Diktiristek Cooperation Award in the category of PTN-BLU Best IKU 6 Growth; Silver Winner of the Diktiristek Cooperation Award in the category of PTN-BLU Best International Cooperation; Silver Winner of the Institutional Award in the category of the Best Implementing University of PKMM 2022 League 2; and Best Award in the Independent Student Exchange category as the University receiving the most students.
  2. International Accreditation. Three clusters have been visited: Accounting & Management Cluster, Computer Science & Informatics Education Cluster, and Language Education Cluster. The result of two clusters has come out, namely: Accounting & Management Cluster. All study programs (Bachelor’s program in Accounting study program, Bachelor’s program in Management study program, Master program in Accounting study program, and Master program in Management study program) obtained the status of “Unconditional Internationally Accredited”, including the leading category. Cluster Computer Science & Informatics Education, all study programs (Bachelor’s program in Information Systems study program, Bachelor’s program in Computer Science study program, Bachelor’s program in Informatics Engineering Education study program, Master program in Computer Science study program) obtained the status of “Conditional Internationally Accredited”. For this result, Undiksha has conducted a follow-up to the recommendation from the expert panel to be resubmitted.
  3. In the webometric ranking, Undiksha is ranked 35th in Indonesia and 1st for universities in Bali;
  4. Based on the IKU achievement data of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha in 2021, Undiksha is ranked 8th out of 33 BLU universities.
  5. In 2021 and 2022, Undiksha is ranked 11th nationally in the Scimago Institutional Ranking;
  6. In 2020 – 2022, Undiksha was able to add 18 study programmes with A / Excellent accredited. The total A / Excellent accreditation that we currently have is 27 study programs (34%) of the 79 study programs in Undiksha;
  7. In 2021 and 2022, Undiksha sent 14 students to join the fast-track (3 2) program in collaboration with the Ming Chi University of Technology Taiwan to obtain two degrees (Bachelor’s degree from Undiksha and a master’s degree from MCUT Taiwan).

In addition to these achievements, Undiksha students also achieved quite a lot in national and international competitions. To support the implementation of education and teaching, in 2022, Undiksha will improve infrastructure facilities. This is shown through the construction of lecture buildings at the Singaraja Campus and UPP Denpasar Campus.

Undiksha is desired to move faster. The hard work and togetherness built will bring Undiksha to one of the Excellent and Competitive universities, and it is expected to become a Trend-Setter and International Reputable University. The theme of this anniversary, “Undiksha Harmony, a Leading Undiksha for Resilient Indonesia”, is expected to trigger and motivate the academic community to always work better in the future.

Despite the challenges ahead, Rector Jampel stated that the academic community must always try their best and work with a living heart, sincere intentions, and high commitment.

The anniversary celebration this time is different from the previous two years. Along with the passing of the Covid-19 case, various activities were carried out offline, including competitions consisting of sports, arts, debates, scientific works, and so on. The extraordinary thing is that Undiksha also inaugurated 17 professors. (hms)