Minggu, 05 Mei 2024
Perguruan Tinggi

Opening of PORDA 2023: Students’ Enthusiasm to Maintain Health by Exercising

Opening of PORDA 2023: Students’ Enthusiasm to Maintain Health by Exercising

UNIDA Gontor – University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor officially opened the annual UNIDA Sports Week (PORDA) event on Friday (05/05/2023). This event was officially opened by the Rector of the University, Al-Ustadz Prof. Dr. K.H. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A, Ed., M.Phil. with joint exercise which was attended by all academicians starting from new students to the Chancellor and his staff in the field in front of the UNIDA Gontor Main Building.

The event started at 06.00 AM until 06.45 AM and several semester 3 students were given the mandate to become gymnastic instructors that morning. In his remarks, the Rector conveyed the importance of sports to maintain health and inspired gymnastics can be done every Friday. Prof. Hamid also said that gymnastics is an effort to maintain a healthy body and channel positive energy into the mind.

This time PORDA was opened with a lively ceremony by the Rector kicking the ball into the goal as a symbol that the UNIDA Gontor Sports Week had started. At the end of the event, the referee’s and players’ vows are read as notifications and warnings to all participants and referees to always uphold sportsmanship in matches.

In closing the event, Al-Ustadz Kholid Muslih read a prayer and expressed his hope that all students would always be healthy and maintain their health by exercising. Therefore, PORDA is the right momentum to develop exercise habits for all students. Not only health, but this event also focuses on sportsmanship, togetherness, patience, and the mentality that is trained through sports activities.

Through PORDA, students are expected to be able to develop passion and love for sports and maintain their health. This event also increases friendship and togetherness between students and improves self-quality through useful sports activities. Hopefully, PORDA 2023 will run successfully and able to benefit all participants.

Reporter: Jahhid Fitrah Alamsyah

Editor: Rifki Aulia