Rabu, 26 Juni 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, students, teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community,

On Friday afternoon the volunteers who were involved with the organisation of the highly successful World Scholars’ Cup met socially to reflect upon the weekend and look forward to our next step with a large group representing the school in Korea. The large number of volunteers present was testament to the hard work and commitment of so many members of our school community.  Thank you again everyone on a tremendous team effort.

Good luck for all the students who tried out for the DBL basketball teams over the weekend. The challenges of a new season will be upon us soon but we know you’ll do us proud..

Good luck to our grade 10 and 11 students as they go into their examination week this week. This is a significant event and for the grade 11 students should provide a lot of insight into progress as they approach their all-important G 12 final year.

It is that time of year when our student leaders for the following year are selected. The OSIS Captain and Vice-Captain will be elected next week. Congratulations to Maqdeline Faith Wondo (captain) and Jane Elizabeth Chrisdion (vice captain) who have already been confirmed as out StuCo leaders.

Finally next week will officially be the last week for our Grade 12 cohort. They will have their final assembly on Thursday and their formal graduation ceremony on Friday. This will mark the moment when they officially become alumni! We look forward to the event with mixed feelings, pride and joy at their success coupled with sadness as they move on to a different stage in their journeys.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal