Senin, 01 Juli 2024
Bimbingan Belajar

Graduation and Farewell Party 2024

Graduation and Farewell Party 2024

From Kindergarten to Senior Year: PrimeOne School Celebrates Graduating Classes

[Medan, Indonesia] – [15 June 2024] – PrimeOne School held its annual graduation and farewell ceremony on 15 June 2024 to celebrate the achievements of its graduating classes. This year, the school proudly witnessed the commencement of 557 students – 138 from Kindergarten 2, 134 from Elementary 6, 133 from Junior High 3, and 152 from Senior High 3.

As the ceremony concluded, a farewell party was held, filled with laughter, joy, and reminiscing. Students, teachers, and parents came together to celebrate the achievements of the graduates and cherish the memories made during their time at PrimeOne School. This event provided an opportunity for the graduating class to say their goodbyes and embark on their next chapter with lasting friendships and fond memories.

“We are incredibly proud of the Class of 2024,” said Dr Fauziah, The Academic Director of PrimeOne School. “They have demonstrated remarkable resilience, perseverance, and a strong commitment to learning throughout their time at PrimeOne School. We are confident that they are well-equipped to succeed in their next chapter, wherever their paths may lead.”

PrimeOne School congratulates all its graduating students and wishes them the very best in their future endeavours. “The school remains committed to fostering a nurturing and enriching learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.” said Mr Amrin Susilo Halim, founding father of PrimeOne School.




甲大国际规范学校学术总监 Fauziah 博士表示:“我们为 2024 届毕业生感到无比自豪,他们在甲大国际规范学校期间表现出了非凡的韧性、毅力和对学习的坚定承诺。我们相信,无论他们的道路通向何处,他们都做好了充分准备,在下一个篇章中取得成功。”

甲大国际规范学校向所有毕业生表示祝贺,并祝愿他们在未来一切顺利。甲大国际规范学校创始人 Amrin Susilo Halim 先生表示:“甲大国际规范学校始终致力于营造一个丰富的、育才的学习环境,使学生能够充分发挥潜力,成为终身学习者和负责任的公民。”