Rabu, 08 Mei 2024
Perguruan Tinggi

Implementation and Assistance of the Best ASEAN Private UTI E-Learning at SMK Minhadlul Ulum Tegineneng

Implementation and Assistance of the Best ASEAN Private UTI E-Learning at SMK Minhadlul Ulum Tegineneng

The ASEAN Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia once again carried out Community Service (PKM) with the target school scheme. PKM activities were carried out at Minhadlul Ulum Vocational School, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency. The PKM team from Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who carried out this activity was Jupriyadi, S.Kom., M.T. as Chair of PKM and assisted by other Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia lecturers, namely Andi Nurkholis, S.Kom., M.Kom., Donaya Pasha, M.Kom, and Adi Sucipto, S.Kom., M.T. In the PKM activity, three students of the Information Technology Undergraduate Study Program participated as the PKM team at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, namely Ilham Muhammad Ghoffar, Nadia Aftirah and Muhammad Hamdan Sobirin.

The Covid-19 pandemic, which has not ended until now, has resulted in limited face-to-face teaching and learning activities, both in terms of the number of hours of lessons at school and the number of students attending school. To support Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) which are carried out on a limited basis, a distance learning platform is needed so that KBM can still run well so that students can study online when they do not get a face-to-face learning schedule at school. The activity began with a visit to SMK Minhadlul Ulum Tegineneng to discuss the obstacles faced during online teaching and learning activities. Minhadlul Ulum Vocational School in online KBM already uses a distance learning platform, but in practice, data storage is not centralized and is still carried out by each teacher, making evaluation and monitoring difficult. Schools need an LMS (Learning Management System) to support online KBM (http://lms.smkmutegineneng.sch.id) independently so that online KBM data at SMK Minhadlul Ulum can be stored centrally. In this PKM activity, the development and application of Science and Technology (IPTEK) in the form of an e-learning system (distance learning) is carried out to assist the learning process in the network. This activity is an internal service grant from the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. Collaborative activities planned with partners are going well, seen from the enthusiasm of partners in participating in the training provided as well as direct practice of using e-learning and implementing e-learning features.

Service is also carried out in the form of training. Training was given to the IT team and teachers of SMK Minhadlul Ulum regarding the use of the e-learning system. Activities are carried out offline by coming directly to Minhadlul Ulum Vocational School. In this training, it is carried out with direct practice where the teacher tries directly to use e-learning and tries the features provided. Many e-learning features were tried, such as adding topics and subject matter, adding assignments, creating quizzes and question banks. The head of the Minhadlul Ulum Vocational School, Pesawaran Regency, represented by the Deputy Head of Curriculum Sector, thanked the PKM Team at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for the implementation of the LMS and the training provided. This community service activity is very useful and can increase the potential of teachers in the use of e-learning at SMK Minhadlul Ulum and the features in it. “We hope that with this system, the learning of our students will be of better quality, both offline and online,” and UTI can provide further assistance so that the e-learning system can be implemented properly in schools, said Siti Rohana, S.Kom., Vice Headmaster. Vice Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, SE., MM. said that the target school is one of the flagship programs of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in the field of community service. With this service, lecturers and students can do concrete things for the environment and society. In particular, providing assistance and providing knowledge related to the application and better use of information technology.