Rabu, 08 Mei 2024
Perguruan Tinggi

Yuli Santika, ASEAN’s Best Private University Student, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, 1st Winner of the National Digital Poster Contest

Yuli Santika, ASEAN’s Best Private University Student, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, 1st Winner of the National Digital Poster Contest

Good news came from the Mathematics Education Study Program at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI).

One of the students, Yuli Santika, a class of 2019 student, won an award at the 2022 National Digital Competition event for the Digital Poster Competition held by the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) on August 3–September 14, 2022.

The participants of the competition included Sebelas Maret University, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Bangka Belitung, University of Veterans Bangun Nusantara, and other universities.

Yuli said that her background in taking the theme was because she felt that the best mathematical formula was needed to determine the success of life. According to the poster he made, to achieve success in life can be done in several ways, namely money, hardwork, knowledge, and alms.

However, to achieve 100% success in life the right formula is alms jariah. Yuli formulates the letters of the alphabet with mathematical numbers and writes down the results of the arithmetic operations.

The supervising lecturer in this competition and the Head of the Mathematics Education Study Program at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Nicky Dwi Puspaningtyas, M.Pd. stated that Yuli is a student who wants to grow and is open to suggestions so that Yuli often wins the national champion for poster design competitions.

Vice Rector Dr H Mahathir Muhammad SE MM appreciated this achievement. He expressed his commitment that the campus supports all events that students participate in.

He is also happy if the achievements are the best. However, beyond that, he judged, sincerity in preparing for the competition was the most important.

Mahathir said the campus also gave appreciation to the supervising lecturers. The contribution of the supervisor is very high in this achievement.