Sabtu, 11 Mei 2024
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Successful Academic Writing Workshop Strengthens Collaboration Between Coventry University and University of Darussalam Gontor

Successful Academic Writing Workshop Strengthens Collaboration Between Coventry University and University of Darussalam Gontor

COVENTRY – In a bid to foster academic excellence and intercultural relations, Coventry University recently hosted a successful Academic Writing Workshop in collaboration with the University of Darussalam Gontor. The program, held from January 15 to January 19, 2024, at the Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, Coventry University, brought together distinguished educators and scholars.

The workshop, a joint effort between Coventry University and the University of Darussalam Gontor, received generous support from Lazis Assalam Fil Alamin (ASFA). Notable academic figures, including Prof Mike Hardy CMG OBE, Professor in Intercultural Relations at Coventry University and Board Chair of the International Leadership Association, emphasized the importance of such collaborations in advancing academic endeavours.

Dr. Catalina Neculai, from the Centre for Academic Writing at Coventry University, served as the lead trainer during the five-day workshop. Participants included esteemed individuals the University of Darussalam Gontor and its strategic partners:

Dr. Nur Hadi Ihsan – Deputy Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, UNIDA Gontor
Dr. Mohamad Latief – Dean of the Faculty of Humanity, UNIDA Gontor
Dr. Syamsuri – Head of Master Program in Islamic Economic Law, UNIDA Gontor
Dr. Muhamad Shulthoni – Lecturer at Islamic State University of Abdurrahman Wahid, Pekalongan, and teacher at Tazakka Modern Islamic Institution
Dr. Duna Izfanna – Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Darunnajah University
Dr. Akhmad Akbar Susamto – Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University and teacher at Tazakka Modern Islamic Institution
Maslia Qomar, M.PPM. – Vice Rector for Partnership, Research, and Innovation, Cordova University
Dr. Daniar – Chairman of Trubus Iman Islamic Institution
Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani, Ph.D. – Lecturer at Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta

While in the UK, the delegation was supported by members of the Gontor family association in the UK, including Muhamad Imam Pamungkas, M.Ag., Adela Suryani, Eko Nur Cahyo, M.A., PhD, Royyan Ramdhani Djayusman, M.A., Muchammad Taufiq Affandi, M.Sc., and Patimah, M.Ag.

In addition to the workshop, the delegates participated in various academic activities during their visit to the UK. These included international seminars at Muslim College London and Birmingham University. The delegation also engaged in international community service initiatives across cities such as London, Coventry, Southampton, Nottingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow and Sheffield, strengthening ties between the academic communities and fostering global collaboration.

The Academic Writing Workshop stands as a testament to the commitment of Coventry University and the University of Darussalam Gontor to enhance academic capabilities and promote cross-cultural understanding in the pursuit of knowledge. (News: Eko Nur Cahyo, Royyan Ramdhani Djayusman, Imam Pamungkas, Muchammad Taufiq Affandi)