Jumat, 03 Mei 2024
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Coventry University and the University of Darussalam Gontor to focus on collaboration in three subjects

Coventry University and the University of Darussalam Gontor to focus on collaboration in three subjects

COVENTRY, UK – Coventry University and the University of Darussalam Gontor discussed collaboration in three subject areas, international relations, Islamic economics and finance, and enterprise and entrepreneurship.

“These are three subject areas that are critical for our development and development of the University of Darussalam Gontor and Darunnajah University,” said Prof Mike Hardy who co-lead the meeting with Prof Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Tuesday, 21 March 2023.

Four practical implementations of the collaboration are a workshop on academic writing, the development of a dual master’s degree, the publication of a special edition of a scientific journal and a joint conference.

The workshop on academic writing is planned to be organized this year while the special edition of the journal and joint conference will be organized in 2024. As for the dual master’s degree program, one of the modes discussed is a master’s student taking one-year courses in Gontor, and another year in Coventry. By the end of that two-year study, the student will earn two master’s degrees from the two universities.

The delegation during the meeting was Prof Dr KH Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi (Rector of the University of Darussalam Gontor), accompanied by Dr Khoirul Umam (Vice-Rector for research and networking), KH Anang Rikza Masyhadi, PhD (Head of Tazakka Boarding School and Head of Sharia Supervisory Board ASFA Foundation), KH Hadiyanto Arief (President of Darunnajah University), and three lecturers of UNIDA Gontor who are pursuing PhD in the UK, Eko Nur Cahyo (Coventry University), Royyan Ramdhani Djayusman (Kingston University) and Muchammad Taufiq Affandi (Durham University).

They are warmly welcomed by Prof Richard Wells (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, International), Prof Richard Dashwood (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research), Prof Mike Hardy (Founding Director, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations), Prof Ahmed El-Masry (Centre for Finance and Corporate Integrity), Dr Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams (Head, Centre for Academic Writing), Dr Catalina Neculai (instructor at Centre for Academic Writing), Professor Richard Tomlins (Associate Head of School, School of Marketing and Management), and Richard Dickson (Manager RISING Global Peace Forum)

Prof Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi expressed his gratitude for Coventry’s hospitality and stated that Coventry University will be one of the most important partners of UNIDA Gontor in the UK in developing the quality of education and research and increasing UNIDA Gontor’s positive impact to global community. (News: Eko Nur Cahyo, Royyan Ramdhani Djayusman, Muchammad Taufiq Affandi, Photos: M. Taufiq Affandi, Photo Editor: Nahid Hawari)