Jumat, 03 Mei 2024
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Congratulations and Gratitude, Occupational Safety and Health Study Program Achieved Superior Accreditation

Congratulations and Gratitude, Occupational Safety and Health Study Program Achieved Superior Accreditation

UNIDA GontorOccupational Safety and Health Study Program (KKK), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor has carried out Field Accreditation (AL) on 12-14 February 2023, at the Senate Hall 2nd floor, Universitas Darussalam Gontor.

Assessor in Accreditation Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin, S.KM., M.Kes., and Dr. Ariyanto Nugroho, S.KM., M.Sc., has reviewed all documents in the Occupational Safety and Health Study Program at UNIDA Gontor.

The accreditation results reached a point with a value of 364, this means that the UNIDA Gontor Occupational Safety and Health Study Program was able to achieve the title of Excellence based on SK LAM-PTKes No. 0198/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/III/2023.

LAM-PTKes is an independent accreditation institution that was established and has the authority to conduct accreditation for study programs in various health professions.

Superior Accreditation is achieved by reviewing the 9 criteria in the form of checking the instrument, review by the Assessor team whose review is carried out to photograph the eligibility of the 9 criteria instrument. Congratulations and Gratitude for the Occupational Safety and Health Study Program (KKK), Faculty of Health Sciences, Darussalam University (UNIDA) Gontor.

Editor: Ahmad Ma’ruf Muzaidin Arrosit